Welcome to the AVBC
The Association of Veterinary Biologics Companies (AVBC) is an industry association which was organized in 1995 to support U.S. standards for licensing of veterinary biological products in domestic and international forums.
Currently, AVBC has a total of 37 members:
- 25 active members
- 4 associate members
- 8 independent consultants
Advocates for the
Veterinary Biologics Industry
AVBC supports and seeks to advance the USDA 9 CFR approach to veterinary biologics
review and inspection.
AVBC represents industry interests related to product development, manufacturing, and testing standards and guidance.
AVBC collaborates with USDA, livestock
owners, and veterinarians to rationalize
product labeling requirements and adverse
incident reporting.

Membership Benefits
Unified voices supporting a dynamic industry
The Association of Veterinary Biologics Companies offers three types of memberships that cater to keeping Active, Associate and Independent Consultant members informed through active bi-annual meetings, mailings, and opportunities to participate in working groups and joint discussions.
Domestic Priorities
- Support and promote the USDA 9 CFR approach to veterinary biologics regulation and inspection.
- Represent industry interests in any activity for the development of product manufacturing and testing standards.
- Support adequate resources for APHIS programs to assure the quality of veterinary biologics and to minimize the impact of animal diseases.
- Collaborate with USDA, livestock owners, and veterinarians to rationalize product labeling requirements, adverse incident reporting, and other current regulatory issues.
- Coordinate industry participation in the efficient implementation of homeland security measures.
- Assure the continued flexibility of the regulatory program to foster innovation and specialty products, including autogenous biologicals.
International Priorities
- Support conclusion of bilateral mutual recognition agreements to facilitate trade with Canada, Mexico, and other nations.
- Support the education and cooperation efforts of the Institute for International Cooperation in Animal Biologics (IICAB) and the harmonization activities of the Committee of the Americas for Veterinary Drugs (CAMEVET).
- Participate in the efforts to harmonize product standards through VICH to facilitate licensing of products.